Open Access Musicology (OAM)

We publish peer-reviewed, scholarly essays primarily intended to serve students and teachers of music history, ethno/musicology, and music studies.

The constantly evolving collection ensures that recent research and scholarship inspires classroom practice, provides diverse and methodologically transparent models for student research, and introduces different modes of inquiry to inspire classroom discussion and varied assignments.

Addressing a range of histories, methods, voices, and sounds, OAM embraces changes and tensions in the field to help students understand music scholarship as the product of critical inquiry.

Featured Essays

OAM is:

  • Free and media-rich, published digitally by Lever Press on the University of Michigan’s open-access Fulcrum platform

  • Student-centered, with each essay reviewed by students as well as scholars for originality, accessibility, and methodological transparency

  • Designed for use at a range of institutions (liberal arts, research, conservatory, comprehensive school), as reflected by the make-up of our editorial and advisory boards

  • Co-edited by Daniel Barolsky and Trudi Wright. Learn more about who we are using the button below.

Open Access Musicology might be the most compelling and significant pedagogical undertaking in the field today. The essays are brilliantly authored and edited for undergraduate readers, and they will continue to occupy increasing space in my syllabi.”

Esther Morgan-Ellis, University of North Georgia

“Featuring first-person reflections by researchers and engaging guidance through complex topics, Open Access Musicology does a beautiful job of inviting readers into humanistic thinking about music.”

Danielle Fosler-Lussier, Ohio State University

“This volume is replete with accessible and informative essays on music history that will enhance any course and expand on subjects traditionally taught in music history.”

Reba Wissner, Schwob School of Music at Columbus State University